
Wednesday, 4 October 2017

September Wrap Up

Look at me go ! By some miracle I’m actually writing this in good time. What did I do in September ? I went shopping with my mum a couple times, there was some family events like my Nan and Grandads 60th wedding anniversary, it was my sisters birthday and we went out for a cream tea, and I saw Henry a lot and we did fun stuff like going cinema and eating waffles. Sounds like a pretty good month all in all and I only had a couple meltdowns, so yay ! I read another two books this month, and I’ve reached my 25 book target. So another yay moment for me. The books I read were pretty hefty, I wonder if I can write that much about them…

The Bone Season – Sammantha Shannon
This was another one of those books that I got as soon as it came out and was so excited to read, but did I read it ?  No I did not. I have no idea why I didn’t, I remember going into Waterstones the day it came out, having a chat with the man about how excited we were and how we knew it would be a great book ! But here I am, 4 years later, just reading it. I am truly a terrible person. Anyways, enough about my failures as a person and on to the actual book.
So, The Bone Season. We start with a general fantasy concept, humans are scared of magical beings so try to outlaw them. Said magical beings go underground and in hiding. If they are caught they are killed or imprisoned.  Got it? Good. Now in The Bone Season, the magical beings are clairvoyants and our main character is Paige, and she is a dreamwalker, one of the more rare types of clairvoyants. The underground network in London is criminal and Paige works for one of the best. Her job is to break into people’s minds and steal information. Like Inception! Also did I mention that this is set in 2059? Serious Blade Runner vibes here. At least this is just a fantasy future! Anyways, getting off track. On one fateful night she accidentally kills someone with her power, the next day she is kidnapped, but not by Scion police. She is kidnapped and taken to the Rephaim. Aliens? Maybe. Gods? Also maybe. In all honestly I’m not really sure. They say they are all powerful and they have weird blood, and feed off auras. So let’s just say, they weird. This race of Rephaim, capture the clairvoyants and make them work for them, if they refuse, they are basically left to die and perform for everyone else’s benefit. So not good. Paige is assigned to the care of a Rephaite called Warden. From the moment we meet him, his is a suspect character. Then through some Stockholm syndrome stuff, they become friends and set out to help each other. Like I get playing along till you can leave, but don’t fall in love with the guy! Now I know this seems hypocritical as I know this happens in other books, but this is one that struck me as most odd. Just get out of there girl! Anyways another tangent. All  is not what it seems with the Rephaim, who knew? And Paige is key to helping everyone escape. There’s an underlying plot of rebellion and politics, but in all honesty I thought that bit was unnecessary. Maybe not unnecessary, but I just found the book to be a bit too long and stuff just wasn’t needed. I liked it fine but there was points when I had to really push to keep reading. I enjoyed Paige as a character, and I’d like to think at some point I will read the next one, but it just won’t be at the top of my list.
My Book Rating – 3*

Tower Of Dawn – Sarah J. Maas
As a kind of disclaimer I must say before I start that I started this book on a bad note. That is because I was waiting for the finale of Throne of Glass and that was pushed back for this book, which I did not want or particularly care about. Obviously I read the book and my thoughts did change but bitterness has stuck with me. This book takes places at the same time as Empire of Storms, and centres around Chaol and Nesryn as they travel to the Southern Continent seeking an alliance with the Khagan to aid them in the war. But also to seek the help of healers to heal Chaol of the injuries he received that left him paralysed. I was never really a big fan of Chaol anyways, especially not after Crown of Midnight so I was a bit dubious about this book. Luckily Sarah J. Maas loves an alternating POV so I didn’t have to deal with him all the time. From reading this book, I have discovered a love for Nesryn. I found her chapters much more captivating, and her story arc in general was just better. Chaol is super grumpy all the time in this book which I swear he wasn’t before. And not just grumpy but also rude and whingy. Well he softens up a bit at the end. Yrene is sent to heal Chaol, and at first she completely hates him, but of course that hatred doesn’t last very long. You can guess what happens next. So basically Chaol and Yrenes storyline is long and boring about his healing and there’s some murders in there to shake things up but that’s about it.  Nesryn, however was off on adventures with a Prince, flying Ruks, killing giant spiders and impressing everyone with her skills. I know which chapters I preferred reading! Now this book is super long and is a big commitment, but I think it’s worth it for the ending. It’s cute, everything ties up nicely and it does link in well with the other stories. But a word of warning, the final chapter is a killer. It was only put in there to mess with your head ! We do find out some important information that will come in very usual for the final book, which I am still super excited for even though I’ll probably be waiting ages for it.
My Book Rating – 4*

Another two books down. Maybe I’ll read two again in October, maybe I could start a two book trend! Who knows what will happen!? Certainly not me and it’s my life! The world of book reading is beautiful and unknown and I look forward to seeing what lands I discover in my next reads.

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